Share your work in 1 minute and Stand out by sharing data, code, and a history of versions, creating a transparent track record of how you reached your results.
Claim open-data or open code badges that, once verified, give you automatic credit on your ORCID profile for having published a dataset or piece of software. Get DOIs for all your work.
Discover related research and receive novelty scores for every version of your uploaded manuscripts
Research is always evolving - let your publications evolve with updated insights and iterative research processes by re-publishing your papers with updates. Old publications remain available in their original form.
Verified badges highlight characteristics of your research that were
checked during peer-review.
DeSci Publish allows you to share research outputs such as manuscripts, code, data, and anything you can think of. You can upload everything in one place, share privately with your lab and co-authors before publishing openly to the world. Desci publish preserves content integrity with cryptographic hashes and stores published data on a distributed network.
Desci publish make reproducible research easier. Publish is a graphical user interface for the CODEX protocol which uses content-addressed storage to create unique and persistent identifiers for every version of every file that uses content-addressed storage to create unique and persistent identifiers for every single resource in your Drive. Unlike URL-based web resources, you can create hyperlinks that will stand the test of time.
Referees, editors, and your peers value transparency how you arrived at your results. By sharing the progress in your research early and often, you create transparency how you arrived at your final publication. Your referees, editors, peers, and readers will appreciate it. Use the Submission Package function to create a cover page for your research to give your readers easy access to everything you've shared
Megan turned her PhD thesis into a Node, primarily to share her code with the astrophysics community. During her thesis, she took a lot of care to make her work reproducible. With Nodes she finally has a medium to showcase this effort and share the outcome with everyone. Nodes allows her to create interactive links between her paper, data, and code.
Atharva and Marco created a fully reproducible, data-heavy publication containing over 18 terabytes of open data. Without Nodes, this breakthrough dataset in fluid dynamics would have remained in his lab's internal servers. Nodes made it possible to easily import parts of this dataset with a single line of python, or send a containerised compute job directly to where the data lives.
Launch DeSci Publish here and benefit from 100 GB free storage
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