Open Science - Empowering Researchers

Get Credit for Sharing Manuscripts, Data, Code

DeSci Publish is a preprint network with AI analytics, version control, and tools to fast-track your publication success

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Why DeSci Publish?

DeSci Publish enables you to focus on advancing your research rather than managing complex workflows. Here’s how we help you reach your research goals faster and with more impact


Manuscripts, Data, Code - All in One Place

Bring all your research outputs together in one convenient place. Enhance transparency, ensure easy access for collaborators, and update your work effortlessly as your research evolves—maximizing impact over time.


Increase your Publication Chances

Transparency is key. Share your data and code openly to stand out with colleagues, editors, and reviewers. Build trust and credibility by showcasing the foundation of your results.


Stand Out with Validated Badges

Claim badges on DeSci Publish to initiate peer review and spark public dialogue with referees. Once validated, badges credibly showcase your contributions—even before journal publication.

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Get a DOI and ORCID Credit

Get a DOI for your manuscripts, data, and code for proper indexing in the scholarly record. Contributions are automatically added to ORCID profiles, ensuring full credit for you and your co-authors.

How it works

From uploading your research to generating submission packages, DeSci Publish streamlines every step of your workflow. Discover how our preprint network helps you save time, gain insights, and maximize the impact of your work.

Upload Your Research Outputs in One Place

Store data, code, and manuscripts securely with free 100GB storage, keeping everything in one place to save time and simplify access.

Unlock Insights with AI Analytics

Our AI engine automatically extracts metadata from your manuscript and analyzes its content. We compare your work to 250 million articles to assess its uniqueness, based on the combination of topics and cited sources relative to recently published research. Our novelty scores, shown in percentiles (with 50% as the median score), are strongly correlated with expected future citation counts.

Build a Transparent Track Record of Your Research

Desci Publish enables you to create a transparent track record of your research with full version control. Just like GitHub, DeSci Publish lets you update, track, and share each version of your work—ensuring your research progress is accessible, credible, and impactful over time.

Claim Verifiable

Get endorsements and publication credit for your data, code, and preprint even before you submit to a journal. Simply claim the badges that fit your work.

Generate a Submission Package Instantly

When ready, generate a submission package with a cover page highlighting the verified badges of your work and all the resources you've shared. Readers, referees, and editors will immediately see that your work is more than just a manuscript.

Learn More

20+ terabytes and 50M+ open-access articles

Access a vast library of research with field-specific novelty scores, enabling deep exploration and up-to-date insights across scientific fields.

20,000+ persistent identifiers issued

Open-source DPID technology automatically assigns content-derived persistent identifiers to every version of very file on the network - for free!

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